The Innisfil Historical Society has published a number of volumes that are available for purchase.
Books are available for purchase at Innisfil Town Hall, Simcoe County Museum, Halliday House at 9 Queen Street in Cookstown, or by e-mailing Donna at
Send orders and payment (no C.O.D.) to:
Innisfil Historical Society
Box 7176
Innisfil, Ontario
L9S 1A9
Box 7176
Innisfil, Ontario
L9S 1A9
Mail orders must include shipping costs as follows:
Orders up to $20.00 add $15.00 for packing and postage
Orders over $20.00 add $20.00 for postage in Canada and $25.00 out of Canada.
2020 Historical Review: $25
Farms of Innisfil: $30
Glimpses of Cookstown: $35
The Ice Industry at Belle Ewart: $7
Historical Reviews of 1951, 1967, 1984: $5 each
Index to the first three Historical Reviews: $5
Innisfil Historical Reviews Set of three plus index: $20
Innisfil Veterans: Their Lives and Memories: $45
Memories of Cookstown: $35
Skunks and Scholars: $15
Treasured Recipes of Innisfil's Past: $10
The Grange at Knock: $4

Memories of Cookstown $35 Glimpses of Cookstown $35 Skunks and Scholars $15

Farms of Innisfil $30 Innsifil Historical Reviews Set $20 Treasured Recipes of Innisfil's Past $10

The Ice Industry at Belle Ewart $7 Innisfil Veterans: Their Lives and Memories $45